特朗普的团队起草命令 命令"战争委员会" 来审查并可能撤除上将。 Trump's team drafts order for "warrior board" to review and potentially remove top generals.
Donald Trump的过渡团队正在考虑一项行政命令草案,以建立一个由退役军官组成的“战争委员会”。 DonaldTrump's transition team is considering a draft executive order to create a "warrior board" of retired military officials. 该委员会将审查并建议撤换被认为缺乏基本领导素质的三星级和四星级军官,针对特朗普所说的“觉醒的将军”。 This board would review and recommend the removal of three- and four-star officers deemed to lack essential leadership qualities, targeting what Trump calls "woke generals." 这一行动旨在绕过五角大楼的定期晋升制度,加快清除进程,并可能标志着向军事准备状态优先于多样性倡议的转变。 The move aims to expedite the removal process, bypassing the Pentagon's regular promotion system, and could signal a shift towards prioritizing military readiness over diversity initiatives.