教皇弗朗西斯因日程安排而忽略了圣母院的重新开放,而是访问了科西嘉。 Pope Francis skips Notre Dame reopening due to scheduling, visits Corsica instead.
由于日程冲突,教皇弗朗西斯不会参加重新开放巴黎已恢复的圣母大教堂,而是选择访问科西卡岛,这是一个在法国境内具有独特身份的岛屿。 Pope Francis will not attend the reopening of the restored Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris due to scheduling conflicts, instead opting to visit Corsica, an island with a distinct identity within France. 预计该决定将提请人们注意科西加文化。 The decision is expected to draw attention to Corsican culture. 圣母会活动将与其他宗教领袖一起举行。 The Notre Dame event will proceed with other religious leaders. 天气预报预测事件发生当日有云、风、雨的天气。 Weather forecasts predict cloudy, windy conditions with rain for the day of the events.