魁北克省总理参加Notre-Dame大教堂的重新开放,而加拿大总理特鲁多则不在。 Quebec Premier attends Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening, while Canadian PM Trudeau stays away.
北克省总理弗朗索瓦·勒戈尔将在星期六出席巴黎圣母院的重新开放,该大教堂在2019年发生火灾后进行了翻新. Quebec Premier François Legault will attend the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on Saturday, following its renovation after a 2019 fire. 尽管许多国家元首和贵宾受到邀请,但加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多却不出席。 While many heads of state and dignitaries are invited, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not attending. Legault感谢法国总统Emmanuel Macron的邀请,强调魁北克和法国之间深厚的历史和文化联系。 Legault thanked French President Emmanuel Macron for the invitation, stressing the deep historic and cultural ties between Quebec and France.