圣母大教堂自2019年失火以来举行了第一次圣诞弥撒,标志着大教堂的恢复。 Notre Dame Cathedral held its first Christmas Mass since its 2019 fire, marking its restoration.
巴黎圣母院院长在圣诞节前祝福了一场圣诞节的舞台,这是自大教堂在2019年毁灭性火灾后恢复以来的第一次圣诞节庆祝活动. The rector of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris blessed a Nativity scene ahead of the first Christmas celebrations since the cathedral's restoration following a devastating 2019 fire. 这次为期五年的翻修使大教堂得以于12月8日恢复弥撒,埃马纽埃尔·麦克隆总统参加了这次翻修。 The five-year renovation allowed the cathedral to resume Mass on December 8, attended by President Emmanuel Macron. 教皇弗朗西斯发出信息 希望圣母院的重生 预示着对法国的重新信仰 Pope Francis sent a message hoping that Notre Dame's rebirth signals a renewal of faith in France.