环保局向印地安那州提供1.96亿美元的贷款,用于更新供水系统、创造就业机会和改善基础设施。 The EPA grants Indiana a $196 million loan to upgrade water systems, create jobs, and improve infrastructure.
美国环境保护署(EPA)向印第安纳州提供了1.96亿美元的贷款,用于改善全州的饮用水和废水处理系统。 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted Indiana a $196 million loan to enhance drinking water and wastewater systems across the state. 这些资金将支持更新老化基础设施、更换铅管、扩大发展中地区的供水系统以及改进网络安全。 The funds will support updates to aging infrastructure, replacement of lead pipes, expansion of water systems in growing areas, and cybersecurity improvements. 这笔贷款是SWIFIA方案的一部分,预计将创造多达1 100个就业机会,由《两党基础设施法》拨款500亿美元支持,用于改善全国水基础设施。 This loan, part of the SWIFIA program, is expected to create up to 1,100 jobs and is supported by the $50 billion allocated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for nationwide water infrastructure improvements.