威斯康星州州长提议支付145万澳元, 以对抗PFAS污染, 包括更严格的标准和对房主的保护。 Wisconsin governor proposes $145M to combat PFAS contamination, including stricter standards and homeowner protections.
托尼·埃弗斯州长提议在国家预算中拨款超过1.45亿美元,用于解决威斯康辛州PFAS污染问题,包括先前指定的1.25亿美元。 Governor Tony Evers has proposed allocating over $145 million in the state budget to tackle PFAS contamination in Wisconsin, including $125 million previously designated. 该计划包括新的资助,人员,测试和研究,以解决PFAS问题. The plan includes new grants, staff, testing, and research to address PFAS issues. 其目的是为六种全氟辛烷磺酸化学品制定更严格的地下水标准,并采用《清雷法》,以更好地管理受污染场地。 It aims to set stricter groundwater standards for six PFAS chemicals and introduce the CLEAR Act to better manage contaminated sites. 该计划还为受影响的房屋提供瓶装水,并为无辜土地所有者提供责任保护。 The plan also offers bottled water to affected homes and liability protections for innocent landowners.