联合王国法庭的规则是,支持Brexit不是受歧视法保护的信仰。 UK tribunal rules that supporting Brexit is not a protected belief under discrimination laws.
就业法庭确定,支持Brexit不是一种受工作场所歧视法律保护的信仰。 An employment tribunal has determined that supporting Brexit is not a belief protected under workplace discrimination laws. 前英国独立党议员科莱特·费尔班克斯(Colette Fairbanks)因发布有关移民的冒犯性内容而被一家慈善机构解雇,她声称她因支持英国脱欧的立场而受到骚扰。 Colette Fairbanks, a former Ukip councillor fired from her job at a charity for posting offensive content about immigrants, claimed she was harassed for her pro-Brexit stance. 法庭裁定,她的观点是意见,而不是受《平等法》保护的哲学信仰。 The tribunal ruled that her views are opinions, not philosophical beliefs protected by the Equality Act.