澳洲参议员Pauline Hanson因针对参议员Mehreen Faruqi的推文而被判犯有种族歧视罪。 Australian Senator Pauline Hanson was found guilty of racial discrimination for a tweet targeting Senator Mehreen Faruqi.
澳洲参议员Pauline Hanson因Twitter告诉Greens参议员Mehreen Faruqi「偷溜回巴基斯坦」, 被判犯有种族歧视罪。 Australian Senator Pauline Hanson has been found guilty of racial discrimination for a tweet telling Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi to "piss off back to Pakistan." 联邦法院认为这项言论是“强烈的种族主义”和“严重冒犯性”。 The Federal Court deemed the remark as "strong racism" and "seriously offensive." 安格斯·斯图尔特法官命令汉森在七天内删除推特,并支付法鲁基的法律费用。 Justice Angus Stewart ordered Hanson to delete the tweet within seven days and cover Faruqi's legal costs. Hanson计划就法官说违反《种族歧视法》的裁决提出上诉。 Hanson plans to appeal the decision, which the judge said violated the Racial Discrimination Act.