警方调查了俄勒冈州华盛顿县十起针对亚裔富人住宅的相关入室盗窃案。 Police investigate ten linked burglaries targeting affluent Asian American homes in Washington County, Oregon.
俄勒冈州华盛顿县警方正在调查十起可能相关的家庭盗窃案, Police in Washington County, Oregon, are investigating ten home burglaries that may be linked, targeting affluent Asian American homeowners since late September. 据报告,盗贼在闯入住宅前监视住宅,然后使用一致的方法闯入住宅。 The burglars reportedly surveil homes before breaking in using a consistent method. 来自提加德、比弗顿和华盛顿郡郡治安官办公室的当局正在共同努力,敦促居民报告任何可疑活动。 Authorities from Tigard, Beaverton, and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office are working together and urge residents to report any suspicious activity.