四人因近40起在俄勒冈州针对亚裔美国人住宅的入室盗窃案被捕。 Four people arrested for nearly 40 burglaries targeting Asian American homes in Oregon.
四人在俄勒冈州近40起针对亚裔美国人房主的入室盗窃案中被捕。 Four people have been arrested in connection with nearly 40 burglaries across Oregon that targeted Asian American homeowners. 调查由蒂加尔德警察局牵头,结果在俄勒冈城、本德和波特兰逮捕了据信来自哥伦比亚的嫌犯。 The investigation, led by the Tigard Police Department, resulted in arrests in Oregon City, Bend, and Portland, with suspects believed to be from Colombia. 警方分享自2024年11月以来一连串入室盗窃案的信息, Police have shared information about a string of burglaries since November 2024, all targeting affluent Asian American homeowners. 调查仍在进行中,有可能提出更多的指控和逮捕。 The investigation is ongoing, with more charges and arrests possible.