警方调查自1月1日以来在罗列斯顿的入室盗窃案,敦促公众提供帮助;被盗物品包括军事奖章、珠宝。 Police investigate burglaries in Rolleston since Jan 1st, urging public help; items stolen include military medals, jewelry.
自1月1日以来, 坎特伯雷的罗列斯顿警方正在调查一系列入室盗窃案, 涉及军事奖章、首饰、 和一辆汽车。 Police in Rolleston, Canterbury, are investigating a series of burglaries since January 1st, involving military medals, jewelry, and a go-kart. 当局正在敦促公众主动提供任何信息,并通过在线门户、拨打105电话或匿名通过犯罪阻截者进行联系。 Authorities are urging the public to come forward with any information and can be contacted via an online portal, by calling 105, or anonymously through Crime Stoppers. 警察也向居民提供咨询,以加强住宅安全措施,并通过拨打111,报告任何可疑活动。 The police are also advising residents to enhance home security measures and report any suspicious activity by calling 111.