联邦法官驳回了缅因州的龙虾人 对州授权的追踪装置提出的诉讼 Federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by Maine lobstermen against state-mandated tracking devices.
一位联邦法官驳回了五名缅因州龙虾人提出的诉讼, 质疑州对船上电子跟踪装置的要求。 A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by five Maine lobstermen challenging the state's requirement for electronic tracking devices on their boats. 龙虾人辩称追踪侵犯了他们的隐私权,但John Woodcock法官裁定国家有管辖权,由于龙虾业的条例繁多,追踪是合理的。 The lobstermen argued the tracking violated their privacy rights, but Judge John Woodcock ruled the state had jurisdiction and the tracking was justified due to the lobster industry's extensive regulations. 龙虾商的律师说他们可以上诉 The lobstermen's attorney said they may appeal.