澳大利亚维多利亚的土著领导人开始历史性的条约谈判,以解决过去的错误。 Indigenous leaders in Victoria, Australia, begin historic treaty negotiations to address past wrongs.
澳大利亚维多利亚州土著领袖已开始与州政府进行历史性的条约谈判,旨在重设关系和解决过去的错误。 Indigenous leaders in Victoria, Australia, have started historic treaty negotiations with the state government, aiming to reset relationships and address past wrongs. 由独立仲裁人监督的会谈是澳大利亚首次举行这类会谈,可为土著人民带来更好的结果。 The talks, overseen by an independent umpire, are the first of their kind in Australia and could lead to better outcomes for Indigenous peoples. 谈判以传统的吸烟仪式和演讲开始,任何最后协议都必须通过州议会两院。 The negotiations began with a traditional smoking ceremony and speeches, and any final agreement must pass both houses of state parliament.