政府和土著群体在澳大利亚为偏远社区服务签署842.6M协议。 Governments and Indigenous groups sign $842.6M deal for remote community services in Australia.
澳大利亚和北部地区政府与土著峰组织签署了一项8.426亿美元的协议,在六年内加强偏远土著社区的服务。 The Australian and Northern Territory governments, along with Aboriginal Peak Organisations, have signed a $842.6 million agreement to enhance services in remote Indigenous communities over six years. 北部地区偏远土著投资将资助维持治安、妇女安全、教育和减少酒精伤害等基本服务,目标是将控制从政府向社区过渡。 The Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment will fund essential services like policing, women's safety, education, and alcohol harm reduction, with a goal to transition control from government to community. 投资旨在支持570多个就业机会,包括278个为土著泰里托人提供的就业机会,并被视为向自决和缩小土著与非土著澳大利亚人之间差距迈出的一步。 The investment aims to support over 570 jobs, including 278 for Indigenous Territorians, and is seen as a move towards self-determination and closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.