Nisga'a 原住民与 BC 政府达成历史性庭外和解,解决了已有 24 年历史的 Nisga'a Lisims 条约中的争端。 Nisga'a First Nation reaches historic out-of-court settlement with BC government, resolving disputes in the 24-year-old Nisga'a Lisims Treaty.
不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部的尼斯加原住民与省政府达成了历史性的庭外和解,解决了长达 24 年的《尼斯加利西姆斯条约》中的争端。 The Nisga'a First Nation in northwestern British Columbia has reached a historic out-of-court settlement with the provincial government, resolving disputes in their 24-year-old treaty, the Nisga'a Lisims Treaty. 该协议解决了关键问题,包括对尼斯加公民的狩猎限制、与尼斯加条约地区内主张原住民权利的其他团体进行谈判时与该省的协商程序,并澄清了环境评估和保护。 The agreement addresses key issues including hunting limits for Nisga'a citizens, consultation procedures with the province when entering talks with other groups claiming Aboriginal rights within the Nisga'a Treaty areas, and clarifies environmental assessment and protection. 该协议由原住民关系部长默里·兰金(Murray Rankin)和尼斯加总统伊娃·克莱顿(Eva Clayton)签署。 The agreement was signed by Indigenous Relations Minister Murray Rankin and Nisga'a president Eva Clayton.