阿塞拜疆气候谈判人员进入第二周, 重点是为20国集团峰会提供资金。 Climate negotiators in Azerbaijan enter second week, focusing on funding amid G20 summit.
阿塞拜疆的气候谈判正进入第二周,谈判者力求在为气候变化工作提供资金方面取得进展。 Climate talks in Azerbaijan are entering their second week, with negotiators aiming to make progress on funding for climate change efforts. 这些讨论与在里约热内卢举行的20国集团首脑会议同时举行。 These discussions coincide with the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro. 在初步阶段进展缓慢之后,会谈正在努力解决分歧,制定气候政策的统一办法。 The talks are working to resolve disagreements and create a unified approach to climate policies, following slow progress in the initial phase.