据预测,联合王国的租金在五年内将猛涨近20%,使租户预算在全国范围内挤压。 UK rents forecast to surge nearly 20% in five years, squeezing tenants' budgets nationwide.
预计未来五年英国的租金将增长近20%, 伦敦的租金将增长14%。 UK rents are predicted to rise nearly 20% over the next five years, with London seeing a 14% increase. 目前的房客已经将其收入的43%用于房租。 Current tenants are already spending up to 43% of their income on rent. 由于抵押贷款费用较高和第二套住房的印花税变更,进入市场的房东人数较少,这是促成因素。 Fewer landlords entering the market due to higher mortgage costs and changes in stamp duty for second homes are contributing factors. 政府《房客改革法案》和增加的印花税附加费可能会进一步抬高租户的费用。 The government's Renters' Reform Bill and increased stamp duty surcharge may further push up costs for tenants. 这一增长速度超过了预期的收入增长,有可能使住房更加难以负担得起。 This rise outpaces expected income growth, potentially making housing even less affordable.