英国的平均租金增加了8%,达到每月1 295英镑; 代租要求政府干预。 Great Britain's average rent increased 8% to £1,295/month; Generation Rent calls for government intervention.
英国的房租价格在过去一年里上涨了8%,平均每月达到1 295英镑。 Rent prices in Great Britain have surged by 8% over the past year, reaching an average of £1,295 per month. 尤其是像雷丁和布拉克内尔森林这样的地区的增长率达11%. Notably, areas like Reading and Bracknell Forest saw increases of 11%. 租房者倡导组织"租房世代"认为市场已经失控, Generation Rent, a renters' advocacy group, argues that the market is out of control and calls for government action. 他们敦促在《租房者权利法案》中列入防止房租急剧上涨的保护措施,根据通货膨胀或工资增长提出上限。 They urge the inclusion of protections against steep rent increases in the Renters Rights Bill, suggesting caps based on inflation or wage growth.