由于数据有缺陷,英国低估了自2019年以来就业增长930 000人。 Think tank claims UK underestimates employment growth by 930,000 since 2019 due to flawed data.
决议基金会称,联合王国国家统计局利用其劳动力调查的缺陷数据,低估了自2019年以来930 000名工人的就业增长。 The Resolution Foundation claims the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) underestimates employment growth by 930,000 workers since 2019, using flawed data from its Labour Force Survey (LFS). 智囊团认为,使用来自皇家税收和海关的数据以及最新的人口数据,就业率可能大约为76%,而不是官方的75%。 The think tank suggests the employment rate could be around 76%, rather than the official 75%, using data from HM Revenue and Customs and the latest population data. 美国国家统计局承认LFS存在问题,现在更多地依赖HMRC的及时工资数据. The ONS acknowledges issues with the LFS and is now relying more on timely payroll data from HMRC.