新西兰北怀卡托附近的20公灌木大火部分受到了控制;消防队员守卫房屋和湿地. 20-hectare scrub fire partially contained near North Waikato, NZ; fire crews guarding homes and wetlands.
新西兰北怀卡托 Island Block Road 附近的沼泽地正在燃烧 20 公顷的灌木丛大火。 A 20-hectare scrub fire is burning in swampland near Island Block Road in North Waikato, New Zealand. 新西兰消防局报告了火灾情况,目前火灾是半封闭的,但没有完全控制。 Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) reported the fire, which is currently semi-contained but not fully controlled. 消防员正在保护附近三所房屋,并努力保护Whangamarino湿地。 Firefighters are protecting three nearby houses and working to safeguard the Whangamarino Wetland. 应急行动包括4辆消防车、5辆油罐车和2架直升机,在途中还提供额外支助。 The response includes four fire trucks, five tankers, and two helicopters, with additional support on the way.