英国向北爱尔兰提供100至249 000英镑的因冬季燃料付款变化而使养恤金领取者受打击。 UK to give £100 to 249,000 Northern Ireland pensionershit by changes to winter fuel payments.
因联合王国政府决定对冬季燃料付款进行经济情况测试而受到影响的北爱尔兰养恤金领取者将得到一次性100英镑的付款。 Pensioners in Northern Ireland affected by the UK government's decision to means-test winter fuel payments will receive a one-off £100 payment. 到2025年3月底,将向大约249 000户家庭自动支付这笔款项,目的是帮助那些不再有资格领取全额冬季燃料津贴的人。 This payment, which will be made automatically to around 249,000 households by the end of March 2025, aims to assist those no longer eligible for the full winter fuel allowance. 社区部长戈登·里昂斯宣布了这项措施,并表示他将继续为全面恢复普遍福利而开展运动。 Communities Minister Gordon Lyons announced the measure and stated he would continue campaigning for a full reinstatement of the universal benefit.