160万英国残疾养恤金领取者因政府不削减而失去冬季燃料付款。 1.6 million disabled UK pensioners face loss of winter fuel payments due to gov't cuts.
在联合王国,根据工作和养恤金部,由于政府削减,预计160万残疾养恤金领取者将失去冬季燃料付款。 In the UK, 1.6 million disabled pensioners are expected to lose their winter fuel payments due to government cuts, according to the Department for Work and Pensions. 慈善机构"Scope"呼吁与部长们进行紧急讨论, 并计划在工党会议上提出这个问题. The charity Scope is calling for urgent discussions with ministers and plans to raise the issue at Labour's conference. 政府坚持认为,尽管担心这些削减会对弱势老年人造成极大影响,但政府旨在向最需要帮助的人提供直接支助。 The government maintains that it aims to direct support to those most in need, despite concerns that these cuts will disproportionately affect vulnerable older individuals.