苏格兰政府终止普遍冬季燃料付款,根据联合王国的决定,采取经济情况调查办法。 Scottish government ends universal winter fuel payments, adopts means-tested approach following UK's decision.
苏格兰政府宣布将终止对所有养恤金领取人的冬季普遍燃料付款,并在联合王国决定削减英格兰冬季燃料付款后,采取经济情况调查办法。 The Scottish government announced it will end universal winter fuel payments for all pensioners and adopt a means-tested approach following the UK's decision to cut winter fuel payments in England. 之所以采取这一行动,是因为苏格兰替代津贴的采用被推迟,导致人们对雷切尔·里夫斯总理即将进行的财务审计的影响感到关切。 This move comes as the introduction of a Scottish replacement benefit is delayed, leading to concerns about the impact of an upcoming financial audit by Chancellor Rachel Reeves. 此外,苏格兰财政部长肖纳·罗比森(Shona Robison)已下令停止公共支出,并取消为公共部门薪酬交易提供资金的关键项目,这引发了人们对可能削减预算的担忧,以及对延长免费校餐、取消高峰铁路票价以及经济和绿色政策等各种承诺的影响。 In addition, Scotland's Finance Secretary, Shona Robison, has ordered a halt to public spending and the cancellation of key projects to fund public sector pay deals, raising fears about potential budget cuts and the impact on various pledges such as extending free school meals, scrapping peak rail fares, and economic and green policies.