美国卫生官员确认加州旅行者中出现首例更严重的 mpox 变体病例。 US health officials confirm first case of more severe mpox variant in California traveler.
美国卫生官员证实了旅行者中首例新型,更严重的mpox病例. US health officials have confirmed the first case of a new, more severe form of mpox in a traveler. 案件是在加利福尼亚州发现的,标志着该变式首次在该国出现。 The case was identified in California, marking the first appearance of this variant in the country. 卫生当局正在密切监测有关情况,以评估潜在的进一步蔓延。 Health authorities are monitoring the situation closely to assess potential further spread.