澳大利亚新南威尔士州自2022年5月以来爆发了最大的mopox疫情,自6月1日以来已有433例确诊病例. New South Wales, Australia, experiences its largest mpox outbreak since May 2022, with 433 confirmed cases since June 1.
澳大利亚新南威尔士 (NSW) 正面临自2022年5月以来最大的mopox疫情,自6月1日以来报告了433例确诊病例. New South Wales (NSW), Australia, is facing its largest mpox outbreak since May 2022, reporting 433 confirmed cases since June 1. 卫生官员强调为高危人员,特别是男男性行为者和性工作者接种疫苗。 Health officials emphasize vaccination for at-risk individuals, particularly men who have sex with men and sex workers. 在住院病例中,大多数是未接种疫苗或部分接种疫苗。 Among hospitalized cases, most were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. 共有26人被送往医院,但澳大利亚尚未发现快速传播的1b分类菌株病例. A total of 26 people have been hospitalized, but no cases of the fast-spreading clade 1b strain have been identified in Australia.