特里尼达和多巴哥调查凤凰公园的煤气泄漏报告;Massy气体确认氮释放,保证安全。 Trinidad and Tobago investigates gas leak report from Phoenix Park; Massy Gas confirms nitrogen release, assures safety.
特里尼达及多巴哥能源部正在调查在菲尼克斯公园发生的疑似煤气泄漏事件。 Trinidad and Tobago's Ministry of Energy is investigating a suspected gas leak at Phoenix Park after a video was shared on social media. Massy Gas Products Ltd.确认在例行作业期间释放了多余的氮气,但保证不会对人、财产或环境造成损害。 Massy Gas Products Ltd. confirmed the release of excess nitrogen gas during a routine operation but assured there was no harm to people, property, or the environment. 菲尼克斯公园天然气处理有限公司否认参与这一事件。 Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited denied involvement in the incident.