西杰克逊的天然气泄漏 促使警方和ATMOS能源公司 进入安全区 Natural gas leak in West Jackson prompts police and ATMOS Energy to secure area.
密西西比州西杰克逊的天然气泄漏 在克林顿大道和狄克逊路交汇处 促使杰克逊警察局 与ATMOS能源公司合作 保护该地区安全 A natural gas leak in West Jackson, Mississippi, at the intersection of Clinton Boulevard and Dixon Road has prompted the Jackson Police Department to work with ATMOS Energy to secure the area. Tommie Brown警探建议公众避开该地区。 Detective Tommie Brown advised the public to avoid the area. ATMOS能源公司正在警方的协助下处理泄漏情况,以确保公共安全。 ATMOS Energy is handling the leak situation with police assistance to ensure public safety.