近3000人在伦敦游行 以纪念犹太老兵 并对抗反犹太主义。 Nearly 3,000 people marched in London to honor Jewish veterans and combat antisemitism.
近3000人在伦敦游行, 纪念犹太军人首度献花圈的103周年, 向犹太退伍军人致敬, Nearly 3,000 people marched in London to mark the 103rd anniversary of the first wreath-laying by Jewish servicemen, honoring Jewish veterans and showing solidarity against antisemitism. 由AJEX组织的这次活动也纪念了D日和其他重大战斗80周年。 The event, organized by AJEX, also commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day and other significant battles. 宗教领袖主持仪式,静默一分钟,唱国歌,老兵和领导人献上花圈。 Religious leaders led a service with a minute of silence and national anthem, and wreaths were laid by veterans and leaders. AJEX旨在打击反犹太主义并支持犹太退伍军人。 AJEX aims to combat antisemitism and support Jewish veterans.