约克郡为纪念星期日举行了纪念仪式,举行悼念仪式和全国两分钟的静默。 Yorkshire held memorial services for Remembrance Sunday, featuring tributes and a national two-minute silence.
纪念星期天在约克郡各地举行了纪念仪式,数千人向阵亡的军人和妇女致敬。 Remembrance Sunday saw memorial services across Yorkshire, with thousands paying respects to fallen servicemen and women. 在约克,仪式包括“阵亡者颂”、“最后的帖子”和上午 11 点的礼炮,市政府官员敬献了花圈。 In York, the ceremony featured 'Ode to the Fallen,' 'Last Post,' and a gun salute at 11am, with wreaths laid by city officials. 约克大主教强调从过去汲取教训以防止未来冲突的重要性。 The Archbishop of York stressed the importance of learning from the past to prevent future conflicts. 在伦敦查尔斯三世国王率领下,全国人静默了两分钟。 A national two-minute silence was observed, led by King Charles III in London.