一名联合王国妇女在厕所里发现了一只老鼠,促使使用受过训练的狗来防治害虫。 A UK woman found a rat in her toilet, prompting a pest control response using trained dogs.
当一只老鼠爬上她的排水沟并出现在她的厕所里时,一位联合王国妇女的经历令人震惊。 A UK woman had a shocking experience when a rat climbed up her drains and appeared in her toilet. 虫害控制公司的老板Kieran Sampler回应了电话. Kieran Sampler, owner of Vermicure Pest Control, responded to the call. 他使用训练有素的湖地特瑞犬以人道的方式解决老鼠问题, He uses his trained Lakeland Terriers to humanely address rat issues, avoiding traps. Sampler 注意到老鼠目击事件有所增加,并建议房主修剪花园树叶、防鼠甲板并定期清理狗粪以防止侵扰,这通常与排水问题有关。 Sampler notes an increase in rat sightings and advises homeowners to trim garden foliage, rat-proof decking, and regularly clean up dog waste to prevent infestations, often linked to drain problems.