马拉加(Malaga)在西班牙面临严重的老鼠侵扰, Malaga, Spain faces a severe rat infestation due to high temperatures linked to climate change.
西班牙马拉加正在对付与气候变化有关的大鼠侵扰,由于气温飞升达到40摄氏度,情况更加恶化。 Malaga, Spain, is grappling with a significant rat infestation, exacerbated by soaring temperatures reaching 40°C, linked to climate change. 鼠目击次数增加使居民和游客惊恐不安,特别是在Churriana和Parque de Huelin等地区。 Increased rodent sightings have alarmed residents and tourists, particularly in areas like Churriana and Parque de Huelin. 作为回应,市议会将其灭鼠预算增加了两倍,达到40万欧元。 In response, the city council has tripled its rodent eradication budget to 400,000 euros. 卫生官员还警告公众健康风险增加,包括蚊虫传播的疾病。 Health officials also warn of rising public health risks, including diseases spread by mosquitoes.