一名60岁的美国男子死于豪华爱尔兰旅馆;一名30岁的美国人被逮捕。 A 60-year-old American man died at a luxury Irish hotel; a 30-year-old American was arrested.
发现一名60岁的美国男子在爱尔兰Laois县一家五星级旅馆Ballyfin Demesne死亡,据信他是袭击的受害者。 A 60-year-old American man was found dead at the Ballyfin Demesne, a five-star hotel in County Laois, Ireland, where he was believed to be a victim of an assault. 一名30岁的美国男子在现场被捕,根据《刑事司法法》被关押。 A 30-year-old American man was arrested at the scene and is being held under the Criminal Justice Act. 这家以金·卡戴珊等名人为东道主的旅馆正在接受调查,警察技术局和国家病理学家办公室也参与了调查。 The hotel, known for hosting celebrities like Kim Kardashian, is under investigation, with the Garda Technical Bureau and Office of the State Pathologist involved.