一名30多岁的男子在Laois县一家旅馆发现一名60岁男子死亡后被捕。 A man in his 30s was arrested after a 60-year-old was found dead at a County Laois hotel.
一名30多岁的男子在爱尔兰Laois县一家酒店发现一名60岁男子死亡后被捕。 A man in his 30s was arrested following the death of a 60-year-old man found at a hotel in County Laois, Ireland. 事件发生在下午8时左右,嫌疑人根据《刑事司法法》第4条被拘留。 The incident occurred around 8 PM, and the suspect is being held under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act. 由当地警察牵头的调查正在进行之中,计划对现场进行技术检查。 The investigation, led by local police, is ongoing, with a technical examination of the scene planned. 已指派一名高级军官领导调查,一名家庭联络官将协助死者的家人。 A senior officer has been assigned to lead the investigation, and a family liaison officer will assist the deceased's family. 地方当局没有公布进一步细节,以保护调查的完整性。 Local authorities have not released further details to protect the integrity of the investigation.