Henry McGowan, 30岁,被控在爱尔兰一家旅馆杀害其父亲;还押进行精神病评估。 Henry McGowan, 30, charged with killing his father at an Irish hotel; remanded for psychiatric evaluation.
30岁的美国男子 Henry McGowan 来自纽约布鲁克林 被控谋杀他的60岁父亲John McGowan 在爱尔兰劳伊斯县一家五星级酒店 A 30-year-old American man, Henry McGowan from Brooklyn, NY, has been charged with murdering his 60-year-old father, John McGowan, at a five-star hotel in County Laois, Ireland. 事件发生在酒店的休闲中心。 The incident occurred in the hotel’s leisure center. McGowan出庭并被还押到Cloverhill监狱进行精神病评估,因为他有严重的心理健康问题。 McGowan appeared in court and was remanded to Cloverhill Prison for a psychiatric evaluation due to his significant mental health issues. 此案休庭至11月18日进行视频听证。 The case is adjourned until November 18 for a video hearing.