一名男子开车进入中国Zhuhai体育中心的人群,造成20多人受伤。 A man drove into a crowd at a sports center in Zhuhai, China, injuring over 20 people.
一名被指认为Fan的62岁男子在开车撞向在中国南部Zhuhai体育中心举行运动的人群后被拘留,20多人受伤。 A 62-year-old man identified as Fan was detained after driving his car into a crowd of people exercising at Zhuhai Sports Center in southern China, injuring over 20 individuals. 事件发生在Zhuhai Airshow的前夕,目前还不清楚该行为是故意还是意外的。 The incident occurred on the eve of the Zhuhai Airshow, and it remains unclear whether the act was intentional or accidental. 该体育中心已关闭,等待进一步调查。 The sports center has been shut down pending further investigation.