中国旨在通过调查个人纠纷和加紧审查,遏制大规模杀戮。 China aims to curb mass killings by investigating personal disputes and tightening censorship.
中国主席习近平已指示地方政府在此类事件最近激增后, 防止大规模杀戮, 包括司机横越行人, Chinese President Xi Jinping has directed local governments to prevent mass killings after a recent surge of such incidents, including drivers running over pedestrians and knife attacks. 地方官员正在调查婚姻冲突和继承问题等个人纠纷,引起人们对中国进一步侵犯个人自由的关切。 Local officials are investigating personal disputes like marital conflicts and inheritance issues, raising concerns about further infringement on personal freedoms in China. 政府还强制实行审查制度,以防止模仿罪,加强对社会和政治方面的控制。 The government has also enforced censorship to prevent copycat crimes, tightening its control over social and political aspects.