Catherine Mann,英格兰银行决策者,计划一旦通货膨胀得到控制,将大幅度削减英国利率。 Catherine Mann, Bank of England policymaker, plans to cut UK interest rates drastically once inflation is under control.
Catherine Mann,英格兰银行的决策者, 计划大幅降低利率, 一旦英国的通货膨胀得到控制。 Catherine Mann, a Bank of England policymaker, plans to drastically cut interest rates once UK inflation is under control. 尽管MPC今年两次将通胀率降低至4.75%, Mann一直持谨慎态度, Despite the MPC lowering rates twice this year to 4.75%, Mann has been cautious, concerned about entrenched inflation risks. 她的目标是在通货膨胀缓和时采取果断行动,这与Andrew Bailey总督倾向于采取更渐进的削减利率办法形成鲜明对比。 She aims to act decisively when inflation moderates, contrasting with Governor Andrew Bailey's preference for a more gradual approach to rate cuts.