美国退休人士协会的一项新调查揭示,许多独居的老年美国人为了寻找持续的日常支持而挣扎。 Many older Americans living alone struggle to find consistent daily support, a new AARP survey reveals.
独居的美国老人严重依赖邻居、朋友和地方网络提供日常支持, Older Americans living alone rely heavily on neighbors, friends, and local networks for daily support, but many struggle to find consistent help. 2022年美国退休人员协会的一项调查发现,只有25%的独行生者可以指望别人做家务,只有38%的独行生者可以依靠别人做日常护理。 A 2022 AARP survey found only 25% of solo agers could count on someone for household tasks, and just 38% for ongoing care. 预计到2060年,单人老年人人数将增至2 100万,因此,可靠的当地支助系统越来越重要。 With the number of solo seniors expected to rise to 21 million by 2060, reliable local support systems are increasingly important.