将近200万到家的美国老年人面临健康挑战,获得护理的机会有限。 Nearly 2 million homebound U.S. seniors face health challenges with limited access to care.
近200万65岁以上的美国老年人大多或完全到家,面临严重的健康挑战。 Nearly 2 million U.S. seniors over 65 are mostly or completely homebound, facing significant health challenges. 研究表明,约40%的人患有五种或五种以上慢性病,但他们常常错过常规初级保健。 Research shows that about 40% have five or more chronic conditions, yet they often miss out on regular primary care. 《西奈山访问医生方案》提供家庭护理,但只有12%的家庭老年人能够获得这种服务,这突出表明需要更好地支持医疗保健系统。 The Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors Program offers home-based care, but only 12% of homebound seniors have access to such services, highlighting the need for better support in the healthcare system.