美国无家可归的老年人人数自2019年以来急剧上升,强调支助系统。 The number of homeless seniors in the U.S. has surged since 2019, stressing support systems.
自2019年以来,美国无家可归的老年人人数急剧增加,象蒙大拿这样的州由于住房费用上涨和工作偏僻趋势而增加。 The number of homeless seniors in the U.S. has sharply increased since 2019, with states like Montana seeing a rise due to higher housing costs and remote work trends. 许多老年人长期等待有限的补贴住房,而那些有医疗需要的人则在收容所或街头挣扎。 Many seniors face long waits for limited subsidized housing, and those with medical needs struggle in shelters or on the streets. 这种“灰浪”是压倒一切的现有支助系统,预测表明,到2030年,老年人中的无家可归现象可能会增加三倍。 This "gray wave" is overwhelming existing support systems, with projections suggesting homelessness among seniors could triple by 2030.