肺病导致八分之一的紧急收容和13%的英国死亡,使国民保健制度紧张。 Lung diseases cause one in eight emergency admissions and 13% of deaths in the UK, straining the NHS.
肺病给英国国家保健服务造成压力, 导致八分之一的紧急医院入院, 以及去年13%的死亡, Lung diseases are straining the UK's National Health Service (NHS), causing one in eight emergency hospital admissions and 13% of deaths last year, according to Asthma and Lung UK. 慈善组织警告说,如果不改进预防、诊断和治疗,国民保健制度将继续挣扎。 The charity warns that without improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, the NHS will continue to struggle. 建议包括改善空气质量、戒烟和全年社区护理,以减少住院人数和健康不平等。 Recommendations include better air quality, smoking cessation, and year-round community care to reduce hospital admissions and health inequalities.