新西兰废除世界领先的无烟立法;肺部健康专家请求就无烟战略进行合作。 New Zealand repeals world-leading smokefree legislation; lung health experts request collaboration on a smokefree strategy.
澳大利亚和新西兰胸科学会的肺部健康专家对新西兰世界领先的无烟立法的废除感到失望。 Lung health experts from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand are disappointed by the repeal of New Zealand's world-leading smokefree legislation. 这些措施是在紧急情况下通过的,但没有得到公众或医疗专家的适当考虑。 Passed under urgency, the measures were not given proper consideration by the public or healthcare experts. 该协会要求政府合作制定无烟战略,因为模型表明这些变化每年可以挽救 5,000 名新西兰人的生命,并减少毛利人的健康差距。 The society asks the government to collaborate on a smokefree strategy, as modeling suggests these changes could save 5,000 Kiwi lives per year and reduce health disparities for the Māori population.