联合王国专家建议允许肺癌X射线自我转诊,以加快诊断速度。 UK experts suggest allowing self-referral for lung cancer x-rays to speed up diagnosis.
英国专家建议允许更多患有肺癌症状的病人自行进行X光检查,认为可以加快诊断。 UK experts recommend allowing more patients with lung cancer symptoms to self-refer for x-ray tests, arguing it could speed up diagnosis. 这一做法类似于在利兹和大曼彻斯特的成功试点,在那里,有持续咳嗽和呼吸问题的人可以在不转诊的情况下获得胸部X光片。 This approach is similar to successful pilots in Leeds and Greater Manchester, where people with persistent coughs and breathing issues can get chest x-rays without a GP referral. 早期发现对改善治疗结果至关重要。 Early detection is crucial for better treatment outcomes. 提案还建议公布GP索要的X光片数据,以查明服务不足的地区,并提高吸烟者和非吸烟者对症状的认识。 The proposal also suggests making data on GP-requested x-rays public to identify underserved areas and increasing awareness of symptoms among both smokers and non-smokers.