中国从11月15日起对欧盟的白兰地进口品征收30.6%至39%的反倾销关税。 China imposes anti-dumping tariffs of 30.6% to 39% on EU brandy imports starting Nov. 15.
中国宣布将从11月15日起对某些从欧洲联盟进口的白兰地实施临时反倾销措施。 China announced it will impose temporary anti-dumping measures on certain brandy imports from the European Union, starting November 15. 这一决定是在调查发现欧盟生产商以不公平的低价出售白兰地,损害了中国国内工业之后作出的。 This decision follows an investigation finding that EU producers were selling brandy at unfairly low prices, hurting China's domestic industry. 进口商现在必须交纳30.6%至39%的押金,存放在200公升以下的集装箱中葡萄制烈酒。 Importers must now pay deposits of 30.6% to 39% on grape-based spirits in containers under 200 liters. 调查工作于2024年1月5日开始。 The investigation began on January 5, 2024.