中国对美国、欧盟、日本和台湾塑料实行临时反倾销税,从3.8%到74.9%,不等。 China imposes temporary anti-dumping duties on US, EU, Japan, and Taiwan plastics, ranging from 3.8% to 74.9%.
中国将从1月24日起对从美国、欧盟、日本和台湾进口的工业塑料征收临时反倾销税, China will impose temporary anti-dumping duties on industrial plastics imported from the US, EU, Japan, and Taiwan starting January 24, following a months-long investigation. 职责范围从3.8%到74.9%不等,目标是汽车零件、电子设备和医疗设备中使用的多种甲醛共聚物。 The duties range from 3.8% to 74.9% and target polyformaldehyde copolymer used in auto parts, electronics, and medical equipment. 这一行动是针对损害中国国内工业的已查明的倾销做法。 The move is in response to found dumping practices that harmed China's domestic industry.