为庆祝胜利广场100周年,温哥华向在灯杆上贴上近500条横幅的退伍军人致敬。 Vancouver honors veterans with nearly 500 banners on light poles for the 100th anniversary of Victory Square.
在温哥华的灯杆上展示了近500条纪念来自各种冲突的退伍军人的旗帜,以纪念胜利广场100周年。 Nearly 500 banners honoring veterans from various conflicts are displayed on Vancouver's light poles to mark the 100th anniversary of Victory Square. 该倡议由加拿大皇家军团BC/Yukon指挥部和其他组织发起,共有200多名退伍军人。 The initiative, launched by the Royal Canadian Legion's BC/Yukon Command and other organizations, features over 200 veterans. 从10月开始的横幅将在11月底前拆除。 The banners, up since October, will be removed by the end of November. 经费来自家庭、公司和个人,该市免除了15 000美元的费用。 Funding came from families, corporations, and individuals, with the city waiving $15,000 in fees.