温哥华市议会修订了其公民议定书政策,禁止外国色彩的照明。 Vancouver City Council revised its civic protocol policy to prohibit illumination in foreign national colors.
温哥华市议会修订了其公民礼仪政策,禁止以代表其他国家民族节日的颜色照亮市政厅和Burrard大桥。 Vancouver City Council has revised its civic protocol policy to prohibit the illumination of City Hall and the Burrard Bridge in colors representing other countries' national days. 这一转变旨在确定当地活动的轻重缓急,反映2016年以来该方案的初衷。 This shift aims to prioritize local events, reflecting the program's original intent from 2016. 这一变化是在关于以色列独立日的照明的公众争议之后发生的,理事会计划把重点放在地方文化、健康和体育赛事上。 The change follows public controversy over the illumination for Israel's Independence Day, and the council plans to focus on local cultural, health, and sporting events instead.