志愿者们在雪上勇敢地拆除了Sarnia-Lambton周六第40次灯光庆典。 Volunteers braved the snow to dismantle Sarnia-Lambton's 40th Celebration of Lights on Saturday.
百年纪念公园第 40 届 Sarnia-Lambton 灯饰庆典结束,志愿者在一个下雪的星期六拆除并存放了展品。 The 40th Sarnia-Lambton Celebration of Lights in Centennial Park concluded as volunteers dismantled and stored the displays on a snowy Saturday. 约30名志愿者协助拆除灯光, 整个过程耗时一整天, 与11月气候变暖时协助安装的100名志愿者相比, Around 30 volunteers helped take down the lights, a process that took all day, compared to the 100 volunteers who assisted with setup in November when the weather was warmer. 活动主席Dean Holtz尽管参加人数较少,仍对志愿者表示感谢。 Event chair Dean Holtz expressed appreciation for the volunteers despite the smaller turnout.