Kelowna每年为青年康复院募集近213 000美元,用于在Kelowna举行年度游行。 Annual Parade for a Purpose in Kelowna raises nearly $213,000 for Youth Recovery House.
每年一次的游行于12月14日在Kelowna市中心举行, The annual Parade for a Purpose took place on December 14 in downtown Kelowna, moving from its previous Kettle Valley location. 沿着Bernard大道的游行吸引了数千名观众。 Featuring over 40 floats, the parade along Bernard Avenue attracted thousands of spectators. 这次活动由当地企业和社区团体组织,旨在为青年恢复之家筹集资金,迄今已筹集近213 000美元,以达到250 000美元的目标。 Organized by local businesses and community groups, the event aims to raise funds for the Youth Recovery House, with nearly $213,000 raised so far towards a $250,000 goal.