艾伯塔省Bbarhead,由于新的国旗细则,从Cenotaph删除了历史的红旗。 Barrhead, Alberta, removes historic Red Ensign flag from Cenotaph due to new flag bylaw.
在艾伯塔省Bbarhead,红旗已经从Cenotaph清除,因为一项新的法规将城镇财产上的旗帜仅限于国家、省、市三级的旗帜。 In Barrhead, Alberta, the Red Ensign flag has been removed from the Cenotaph due to a new bylaw that restricts flags on town property to only national, provincial, and municipal ones. 从1868年到1965年被用作加拿大国旗的红军少将,对像朝鲜战争老兵Herman Barkemeyer这样的退伍军人具有特殊的意义。 The Red Ensign, used as Canada's flag from 1868 to 1965, holds special significance for veterans like Herman Barkemeyer, a Korean War veteran. 加拿大皇家军团成员对这次撤职感到失望,认为红军在两次世界大战期间飞行,具有历史重要性。 The Royal Canadian Legion members are disappointed by the removal, arguing the Red Ensign is historically important, having flown during both World Wars.